“Simplify, then add lightness”

This famous quote is from Colin Chapman. It was his philosophy, somewhere in 1950 way before ‘minimalism’ became fashionable.

Colin Chapman – engineer, inventor, and builder in the automotive industry, and founder of Lotus cars

Least number of parts

By tradition, Lotus uses the least number of parts needed in its products. Yet, they are impeccably engineered, retain their lightness and work dependably.

This is a great analogy and one we need to see more often in our approach to IT systems. It is what we should strive to establish with our architecture and designs. Yet we often see the opposite. We add many abstraction layers of indirection to be ready for possible future changes.

But when we discuss requirements or features we use the term MVP. Why not with our designs and architectures? Design is driven from requirements and should fit the overall architecture. Building anything beyond those requirements is pure speculation. My goal is to make the statement of Colin Chapman “Simplify, then add lightness” the guiding principle when architecting for a project.

Thinking about how to establish a wider practice around the concept of keeping it simple, lean and minimal, Gall’s law also comes immediately to my mind. It explains the why of striving for as few number of parts in your architecture.

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.”

John Gall: General systemantics, an essay on how systems work, and especially how they fail, 1975

Although dubbed Gall’s Law by some, the phrase is not labeled as such in the original work. The book cites Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle, and is filled with similar sayings. Gall’s Law is a rule of thumb for systems design from Gall’s book Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail.

As a Salesforce Program Architect I’m involved at some of our biggest customers and their large and complex implementations. I’ve heard lots of stories about failed Salesforce implementations and they all had something in common. It became an over-built system designed for the wrong people and processes.

I can relate. It is a constant struggle to keep it as simple as can be and still deliver fast. Part of the struggle is our own knowledge. We know that some design patterns lead to brittle, hard to change systems with lots of Technical Debt. That will be part of another blog. Other part may be the question if the proposed first release is appealing enough? Yet another part may be the impact of keeping it simple. Do you change the design or change the process in order to keep it simple and deliver fast? There is certain inertia that comes with change. But that also will be part of another blog post.

Coping strategies

Why do I like to use Chapman and Gall? Chapman has great quotes that are understandable and translate well to the project. “In order to increase speed, you have to add lightness”. This sparks great discussions with the customer. How can we make this simpler and still have value? What is the smallest increment that we can deliver and is deemed valuable?

I like Gall’s law because influential people I learned a lot from in my career mentioned Gall’s law. One of the first times I encountered Gall’s Law was when Grady Booch mentioned it. I don’t need to explain Grady, right? Right?

What is also great is that in later books Gall even states some very familiar strategies to scale up from the simple system and cope with the possible negative outcomes. Sound familiar?

Develop using Iterative processes

Building iteratively is about reaffirming or refining the shared understanding of the problem. And getting feedback fast from actual users. You can think of it as a trial-and-error methodology that brings your project closer to its end goal.
Build a MVP that addresses the most important issues first. Save the extra stuff for later. A small release can help get your users involved more quickly and generate better feedback without the risk of over-architecting, over-designing and overbuilding.

Reuse known working modules

Avoid over-doing by using standard Salesforce features. Salesforce consists of many known working modules and those connect really well. For example: Lead management, Account Management to Opportunity and their scoring model and Case Management. There is no need to architect, design or develop this all by yourself. These modules still need to be configured and sometimes even extended by some customization. This needs to be done by well known ‘good practices’. But that probably also should be YABP (yet another blog post). Salesforce has great resources on well known patterns and practices, visit https://architect.salesforce.com/ to learn more.

Release early and often

In any software development project, the riskiest point is always deployment time. It’s the first time that new features come into contact with the real production org. Ideally, during a deployment, nobody will be doing anything they haven’t done before. Improvisation should only be required if something completely unexpected happens. The best way to get the necessary experience is to deploy as often as possible.

“In software, when something is painful, the way to reduce the pain is to do it more frequently, not less.”

David Farley, Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

Salesforce Sandboxes and our Scratch Orgs provides the means to do this. They are perfect as target practice to make sure that everything will deploy successfully. It can also give developers necessary experience and feedback of deploying their work while it’s in progress. There are whole suites of tools specifically to address this. From Gearset to Copado, and Bluecanvas or Flosum.

Automate testing

Use automated testing to ensure that enhancing the system does not break it. Otherwise any further steps are enhancing of a non-working system.

“So, when should you think about automating a process? The simplest answer is, “When you have to do it a second time.” The third time you do something, it should be done using an automated process.”

Jez Humble, Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation

Building, executing, and maintaining tests can take a long time. How many business logic decision does your Salesforce implementation have? What about the different system and application integrations? To add to the complexity, Salesforce releases many new features delivered by three major upgrades every year. Great for improving functionality, but these regular upgrades break manual scripts, which probably require many hours to fix. All this leads to diminishing returns on manually creating and maintaining your test.

So part of the solution is to automate your test to ensure that Salesforce still delivers what you agreed upon to deliver.
And like the release early and often it also has several companies that deliver solutions that can help you. Depending on your team size and skill levels and of course pricing.

Key takeaway

In order to be successful with your Salesforce implementation: “Keep it simple and add lightness”

  • Start small and simple with your features and design
  • Add more features and functionality based on actual User Feedback
  • Use iterative processes
  • Reuse known working modules
  • Release early, release often
  • Use automated testing

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