Cloud the new legacy?

One thing is for certain, we will spend a good part of 2015 talking about, discussing and disagreeing on how we now need to move, deliver, transport, carry, send and integrate the various component elements that make up our Business Applications.

The advent of Cloud, virtualization and managed hosting technologies means that we have all become used to the ‘as-a-Service’ extension as we now purchase a defined selection of software applications and data that are increasingly segmented and componentized in their nature.

Because of the Cloud, businesses run on mobile devices with employees, customers and partners easily collaborating, data securely stored and accessible from anywhere in the world all without a worry about the infrastructure. That’s someone else’s problem, isn’t it? With low monthly prices, who wouldn’t sign up and embrace a SaaS app that makes your life easier.

All the convenience comes at a price.

That price is silos. Instead of tearing down silos, SaaS applications builds strong and high walls around functionality and data. Not like those traditional legacy silos but loads of little silos within and in between departments and teams. Instead of bringing teams into alignment, they are separated into fiefdoms of data if one does not govern the Cloud.