“Who’s on First?”

The movie Purple Rain mixes up nicely with Abbot and Costello

Morris: Okay. What’s the password?
Jerome: You got it.
Morris: Got what?
Jerome: The password.
Morris: The password is what?
Jerome: Exactly.
Morris: The password is exactly?
Jerome: No, it’s okay.
Morris: The password is okay?
Jerome: Far as I’m concerned.
Morris: Damn it, say the password!
Jerome: What.
Morris: Say the password, onion head!
Jerome: The password is what?
Morris: [frustrated] That’s what I’m asking you!
Jerome: [more frustrated] It’s the password!
Morris: The password is it?
Jerome: [exasperated] Ahhhhh! The password is what!
Morris: It! You just said so!
Jerome: The password isn’t it! The password is?
Morris: What?
Jerome: Got it!
Morris: I got it?
Jerome: Right.
Morris: It or right?

“Who’s on First?” is a comedy routine made famous by Abbott and Costello. The premise of the sketch is that Abbott is identifying the players on a baseball team for Costello, but their names and nicknames can be interpreted as non-responsive answers to Costello’s questions.

But it also reminds me of Rain Man or Rush Hour 3 – He is Mi and I am Yu

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor who are you Yu


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